
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Is religion a curse or Blessing ? A typical example of Ukraine "Christianity" in action (Video)

It has often been mentioned on this blog the fact that religion was created to control people until a more civilize society begun and it was changed to constitution ( you have had example in the past like Jihad and Crusade) now this is a typical example of Clergy man in a war torn  eastern part of Ukraine.  The Papacy was the true "creator" of the Ukrainian project (later followed by the Masons, Imperialists, Nazis and now AngloZionists). Just thought it would be a good idea to  to share with you this small video of Uniat clergymen "in action". Many thanks to "A" who translated this video from Ukrainian into Russian and English for omo oodua community. 

Note to muslim readers: FYI - even though this guy is disguised as an Orthodox clergymen, the fact that he has no beard is a pretty good way of spotting him as a fake (though some of them even do that).  Just as Wahabis should not be mistaken for real Muslims, the folks in the video should not be mistaken for Christians.  These guys are the spiritual heirs to the Crusaders, and they hated the Byzantine Rum no less than they hated Islam.  You can still see the same genocidal hatred in this guy's expression and voice today.


English transcript 

- Glory to Jesus Christ!
There is no sacrifice, there is no blessing too. And today our Ukrainian nation makes a sacrifice before God. When a sacrifice to God is made, the best is brought: the best fruits, the best creations of human hands.
Our people also sacrifices before God the best of the best, those sons and daughters who without fear responded to protect their own land, having shed also their blood to the Holy Ukrainian Land and the soldier Andrey shed his blood, brought his life to sacrifice. Let enemies don't rejoice that our best of the best are fallen . For each of ours will lie down tens of them. They come here because they need our land, they want that we gave them our land.

We will do it, but on the contrary - no land to them, but we will give them to our land! You love your enemies so. But as our Holy Ukrainian Land showed, shows and will show a special love. It accepts with love any "Ordynetz" (member of a "hord" - that is the idea that Russians are "Asian Mongol-like savages", which is actually quite true, but hardly a bad thing but something to be grateful and proud of, at least in my opinion. The Saker), any aggressor, any enemy who came having set foot on our land to profane it. Our land opens the bosom and accepts it there for ages. It will accept this Moscow horde too, will accept, as a one!
Don't rejoice the enemy! Hundred will lie down - one thousand will rise to the weapons!
- Glory to Jesus Christ!
- Glory to Ukraine! To heroes glory! (That is Bandera's slogan. The Saker)
- Glory of the nation! Death to enemies!
- Glory of the nation! Death to enemies!
- Glory of the nation! Death to enemies!

Russian transcript:

- Слава Иисусу Христу!
Нет жертвы, нет и благословения. И сегодня наша украинская нация приносит жертву перед Богом. Когда приносится жертва Богу, приносится наилучшее: наилучшие плоды, наилучшие творения человеческих рук.
Так же и наш народ, он перед Богом приносит в жертву лучших из лучших, тех сынов и дочерей, которые без страха откликнулись на защиту своей земли, пролив также свою кровь на святую украинскую землю и воин Андрей пролил кровь, принес свою жизнь в жертву. Пусть не радуются враги, что падают наши лучшие из лучших. За каждого из наших полягут десятки их. Они пришлю сюда ибо им нужна наша земля, они хотят чтобы мы отдали им нашу землю. Мы сделаем это, но наоборот- не им землю, а их отдадим нашей земле! Любите врагов ваших так. Но особенную любовь проявляла, проявляет и будет проявлять наша святая украинская земля. Она с любовью принимает всякого ордынца, всякого захватчика, всякого врага, который пришел, ступивши на нашу землю, чтобы ее осквернять. Наша земля открывает свое лоно и принимает его туда на веки. Примет она и эту московскую орду, примет как одного!
Не радуйся враг! Сотня поляжет - тысяча встанет к оружию!
- Слава Иисусу Христу!
- Слава Украине! Героям слава!
- Слава нации! Смерть врагам!
- Слава нации! Смерть врагам!
- Слава нации! Смерть врагам!


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