
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Activists Storm Al Jazeera’s Office in Beirut: Reports

Lebanese army soldiers on armoured carriers and military vehilces advance towards the Sunni Muslim border town of Arsal, in eastern Bekaa Valley as part of reinforcements August 5, 2014.
Mohamed Alaeddin - Activists, calling themselves "Omega Team", stormed the Beirut office of the TV channel Al Jazeera Sunday in protest against the insults, addressed to the Lebanese army.
According to the TV channel, Al Jazeera journalist Faisal al-Qassem wrote on one of his social network accounts that "the achievements of the Lebanese army since its foundation are the video clip with Najwa Karam [a famous Lebanese singer] and the arson attack on the camp for Syrian refugees in Ersal [a city on the border with Syria].

A group of people raided the offices of the Beirut office of Al Jazeera and put up posters in support of the army, while at the same time voicing accusations at the TV channel and the journalist. The activists demanded that al-Qassem apologize to the army for his statements.
On Friday, during an armed counter-terrorism raid in a Syrian refugee camp near Ersal, a group of armed people set fire to around 150 tents, which were designed to accommodate Syrian refugees. The Lebanese police arrested 450 people on the same day suspected of being involved in terrorist

activities. Some of those who were taken under arrest confessed to having links with the "Jabhat al-Nusra" and "Islamic State" groups.

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