
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Poroshenko’s Statement That Ukraine Conflict Can End by September Far From Reality - DPR

The Kiev authorities’ statements that conflict in eastern Ukraine can be ended by September are idealistic and far from reality, Deputy Prime Minister of Donetsk People’s Republic Andrei Purgin said in an interview with RIA Novosti Saturday.

"Their statements are of Martian nature, these people are dwelling in an emerald garden on Mars and commenting on the situation, which has nothing to do with reality. In fact, all these comments are often made not for internal use but for external use, for Europe. Such claims hit the headlines, then the IMF allocates money, so their goal is to get money from the IMF," Purgin said.
Earlier in the day, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he expects that implementation of his peace plan for the crisis in eastern Ukraine can stop the war in the region in early September.
In June, Poroshenko unveiled a 15-point peace plan to de-escalate the country’s conflict, which includes a ceasefire.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out that Poroshenko’s plan does not comply with the April 17 Geneva Accords, as it bears no mention to a nationwide dialogue. He said, however, that Russia favors the first steps made by the Ukrainian government towards a peaceful settlement of the conflict.
A week-long ceasefire was announced by Ukraine’s new president on June 20 and then was extended for additional three days. As the truce was called off without a further extension on July 1, the active phase of the special operation in the restive regions resumed.

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