
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nigeria successfully contains Ebola, has only one case left - Health Minister

Minister of Health Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu said today that Nigeria has had the opportunity to lessen the amount of Ebola cases to just one.

At a media briefing held today August 26th in Abuja, Prof. Onyebuchi said only 1 patient out from the 13 confirmed cases in Nigeria continues to be at the Isolation center. He explained five of the infected died while seven have successfully recovered and have now been discharged. He also said two of the nurses who attended to Patrick Sawyer at the First Consultant hospital were discharged yesterday.

Find the minister's statement after the jump...

"Of these thirteen, five, including the index case unfortunately did not survive the disease and are now late. However, seven of the infected persons were successfully managed at the Isolation ward in Lagos and have been discharged home.
"Two of treated patients, a male doctor and a female nurse were discharged yesterday evening, 25th August, 2014 having satisfied the criteria for discharge.
"I wish to reassure Nigerians and indeed the global community that the Government shall remain vigilant and will not relent as Government continues to work with her partners to ensure that the disease is kept out of the country. Thank you.”

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