
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jungle Justice Father cleared of murdering drunk driver who killed his 2 young sons

David Barajas (pictured above) has been acquitted with a jury in Texas court after he allegedly shot dead the person who killed his two young sons, David Jr 12, and Caleb, 11. Barajas have been standing trial on the shooting death of Jose Banda, 20, who was found dead in his car right after an incident in Houston, Texas.

In accordance with prosecutors, David Barajas and his sons were driving home on the afternoon of the incident when they ran out of fuel near their home. Then asked his two sons to get down from the vehicle and help push it. While the boys were pushing the vehicle, a drunk Banda crashed into the trunk of his car instantly crushing his sons to death. Prosecutors say a furious Barajas returned home to retrieve his gun which then used to shoot Banda with just one gunshot to the head.

When Barajas went to court for the killing, he was found not guilty of the murder. Continue...

According to USA Today, a jury found that there was not enough evidence to convict the father and there were celebrations in court. After the verdict, Barajas said; 

"I thank God. This has been hard on me and my family. A lot of weight's been lifted off my back. I'm hurt about it. It hurt me from the beginning, on top of the hurt that I was already feeling because of my sons."
Police searched Barajas house where they found an empty gun holster and ammunition. However, a gun was never found and forensics tests found no trace of gunpowder on his hands.

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