
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lagos Island issues shoot- on-sight order on hoodlums

The Security Council, Lagos Island East Council Development Area, has ordered a shoot-on-sight order to the police on  people found carrying guns and other weapons capable of inflicting injuries on members of the public.

The order was issued after an emergency security council meeting summoned by the Chairman of the Lagos Island East Council Development Area, Kamal Salau-Bashua.
No fewer than two persons lost their lives while several others were injured and property worth several millions of naira destroyed in a violence on the island during the Easter celebrations.

A statement on Wednesday quoted Salau-Bashua as saying the order was specifically issued by the Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of the Area A Command,the Lion Building, Imohimi Edgal. It added that the move was necessary to restore peace and order in the council.
Salau-Bashua described the violence that marred the Easter period as condemnable and retrogressive to the relative peace enjoyed by the residents over the last two years.
He said, 
“Security operatives are combat ready to prevent recurrence. Any form of violence on the Lagos Island portends danger to the economic activities of the state since major businesses are located here. It is also capable of sending wrong signals to visitors.”
The statement added that the area commander warned criminals and hoodlums to steer clear of the island, adding that policemen had renewed their commitments to stop violence in any part of the island.
Edgal also noted that residents and business owners also had responsibilities to alert security operatives on suspicious movements and activities  to prevent breakdown of law and order in the council area.
In attendance during the emergency security council meeting were the other police chiefs, traditional rulers, representatives of community development associations, neighbourhood watchers and members of transport unions.

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