
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ukraine: A US geopolitical failure of historic proportions

The situation in Ukraine continues to develop in ways that the US architects of the coup, the CIA, neoconservatives like Victoria Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt, Michael McFaul, Barrack Obama, George Soros and the Zbignew Brezhinsky acolytes running the US foreign policy establishment, obviously had not planned. 

Once again the United States Government through USAID, the CIA and the State Department, has spent billions of US taxpayer's dollars illegally overthrowing yet another government in the latest attempt to make hundreds of billions more for their billionaire corporate masters and expand US hegemony and once again they are on the road to failure.
The latest geopolitical adventure by the US in Ukraine is failing for the same reason they failed in Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Russia, Iran and elsewhere, namely because the isolated Washington elites living in the fantasy world they apparently live in, know absolutely nothing about the people in the countries they want to takeover.
As neo conservative icon Paul Wolfowitz told US General Wesley Clark soon after 9-11 the Pentagon and NATO are in the business of destroying countries, something they have proven they can do very well since Yugoslavia 15 years ago. Yes the US has proven they can destabilize countries, invade, occupy and bomb into oblivion on the flimsiest of false pretexts and carry out regime change almost at will, but what the idiots in Washington can not do is make their changes stick, win the hearts of the people, establish real lasting hegemony or truly profit in the long term from their meddling. This is not to mention maintaining or even pretending to stand on any moral high ground or actually bringing about a regime change that produces a peaceful, productive, thriving and healthy society. Although of course causing regime change is illegal but international has never stopped the United States of "exceptional" America.
Yes you read that right, I said the Untied States of America is failing in Ukraine. The coup is not sticking and the events will soon take an unexpected turn that should once and for all convince the American populace that they should finally put their neocon geopolitical global "chess players" in padded cells before they kill any more of the world's citizens and drag further generations of American taxpayers into the poor house. I do not want to say too much because I do not want to assist the criminals in Washington, warn them off or give them any ideas, not that I seriously believe arrogant American globalists and geopolitical architects would listen to anyone else other than their own self-aggrandizing echo chambers and I almost hate to say I told you so dear reader, but the truth is I did.
Destabilization, spreading violence, lawlessness, civil war and anarchy
The continued meddling by the CIA and its agents and co-conspirators in Ukraine will only lead to further damage and bloodshed to the people of Ukraine. If this is by design then on this account the US is succeeding in a temporary way. Of course if all-out-war is what the US is really interested in in Ukraine, if they keep pushing their agenda they just may get their wish and the military industrial complex will make billions profiting off war and off the blood sweat and tears of the taxpayers and the citizens of Ukraine, but we won't go there just yet will we?
The initial destabilization, carried out with outdated color revolution tactics obviously designed in the 1990s, was to a large part successful. It did result in a change of regime. However it was probably the most ham handed amateur operation ever carried out by the CIA, State and all of their little sycophantic agents. Sure it cost billions and the US' best regime change minds were all on board, but that does not change the fact that their greedy little psuedo intellectual Russia hating geopolitical chess "masters", at the end of the day, know nothing about the people they are dealing with.
The first failure of the US in Ukraine was their choice of neo-nazis to carry out the coup in order to place their little puppets in power. What idiot in the CIA or the White House came up with that idea? Here was a country devastated by World War II, the real nazis and even worse by the nazi collaborators led by Stepan Bandera, whom the real nazi SS called too brutal, and someone in the George Soros alternative universe actually thought these animals could lead a popular uprising. Unbelievable lack of vision, to say nothing of the fact that these xenophobic, Russian-Jew-everyone-hating nazis were manipulated in order to place puppets of the Jewish persuasion in power.
Of course like the psychopathic-murderous-blood-thirsty-fanatics hiding behind the religion of Islam that the US uses all over the Middle East, the brainless-easily-manipulated Right Sector fanatics were the only filth the US could dig up to do their dirty work in Ukraine. Like Al-Nusra and the so-called "Free Syria Army", the Right Sector and Dmitro Yarosh are simply murderous butchers doing a "job" requiring a scalpel while operating with sledgehammers. But that is the American way, brute force and bashing everything in site with a sledgehammer, which is why these criminals keep robbing US taxpayers of billions and doing nothing but causing bloodshed. "People" like John McCain, who pick these violent lunatics obviously have a love for the most violent of the violent and have no concern who is getting US taxpayer dollars. Nazis, Al-Qaeda, and fanatical paramilitaries of every sort, it does not matter, as long as the job is completed.
As I said I do not want to help the US but the choice of wanted terrorist and murderer Dmitro Yarosh and his bandera nazis was a mistake, now let's look at why.
US Puppets will now liquidate the Right Sector
The illegitimate-US-puppet-president of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov, a traitor to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people and whose rise to power was bought and paid for by Washington and made possible by Right Sector forces and their successful coup, has today announced that he will crack down on the very neo-nazis that put him in power. Just to note Ukraine has no provision in any Constitution for a temporary president and there is no legal basis for his being "president" the only legal president of Ukraine right now continues to be Yanukovich, but that is another story.
We know it was the Right Sector which carried out the coup. We also know the entire Verhovnaya Rada and the new "government" of Ukraine was chosen by the US and the Right Sector and its associates and in no way can any of them be called legitimate (including the US) when it comes to holding office or serving the Ukrainian people. This makes the following statement by Turchynov just another laughable part of the farce that is the US/NATO/EU power grab in Ukraine: "Some citizens tried to stage a provocation near the Verkhovna Rada, either knowingly or unknowingly, and I’m thankful to the MPs who thwarted that provocative act.”Turchynov was speaking of last week's attempted storming of the Parliament by the Right Sector nazis in protest of the junta's killing of one of their co-conspirators. The MPs in question if you recall ran out of an emergency exit in fear.
Turchynov must have the same speech writers be using the same PR firm as Barrack (I-will-sell-Europe-gas-we-don't-have) Obama, because their complete twisting of reality is so obvious and so patently self-serving as to defy all belief that they would even dare say these things.
Ignoring the fact that Arseny Yatsenuk, Vitaly Klitchko (who was egged recently when he attempted to start a still-born campaign to run for president) and himself were all placed in power by the Right Sector and that the entire current Ukrainian Government is a complete farce and was selected by the junta's mob on Maidan Square, Turchynov said the following:“There’s only way to replace parliament, and it’s to vote in an election. There is no other way that might involve forcible pressure because it would push the country into a disaster,"and what is truly amazing he said it with a straight face, proving he must have hired the same Orwellian Ministry of Truth lie trainers that train Obama "we got gas" and Kerry "we just know" .
According to television reports, Turchynov stated that he will now crack down violently on the Right Sector, proving what I have been saying from the beginning, namely: the Right Sector was just a tool and will be thrown away.
Right Sector calling for recruits
According to television reports and televised footage of neo-nazi leader Yarosh, the nazi group is calling for recruits. In his address Yarosh said the Right Sector would take anyone. Of course anyone does not mean Russians, Jews or blacks.
Fascist radical leader Yarosh running for president
Despite claiming he is unemployed and has no reportable income and therefore paid no taxes (CIA black money doesn't count of course) Yarosh the nazi terrorist came up with the $225 thousand dollars to register as a candidate for president. He is running. The first internationally wanted radical neo-nazi psychopath to run for president anywhere in the world.
FSB captures Right Sector terrorists in Russia
Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) reports that it captured 4 groups of Right Sector neo-nazi terrorists in Russia. 25 Ukrainian citizens were arrested and gave detailed televised admissions that they were planning terrorist attacks and provocations all over Russia.
Right Sector indignant over not receiving Russian financial aid
The farce that the US backed Right Sector nazis and the criminals in Kiev are making of Ukraine went up to another level when the illegitimate Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Yury Prodan, selected by the junta on Maidan Square stated that Russia should pay the illegitimate junta government 15 billion dollars in aid promised to President Yanukovich, who had to flee for his life to Russia after Prodan's Right Sector threatened to kill him.
Rights Sector selling their services
According to a Ukrainian website the Right Sector's services are for sale and anyone who needs a rent-a-mob, no matter what the purpose can get them for cheap or in exchange for weapons.
Greystone (Blackwater/XE) and Right Sector nazis activated
Kiev has sent American mercenaries from Greystone and armed Right Sector thugs to the east of Ukraine to deal with growing protests from the civilian population against the junta in Kiev.The Russian Foreign Ministry issued statements on the issue. Apparently the Right Sector did not have enough forces and the CIA was forced to bring in their own people. They will be tasked with fighting a covert war of intimidation against the pro-Russian civilian population.
The fact that 300 US/CIA mercenaries are even in Ukraine is an act of war. If they begin to attack Russian civilians this will be an international war crime which will force Russia to respond. Russia will not allow its citizens to be killed by US mercenaries and nazis, and there is no doubt operations are underway to liquidate the threat.
The US cannot place military forces in Ukraine so it has done what it does best. It pays fringe elements and radicals and imports mercenaries. Russia has been extremely restrained in its protests but this is an unarguable act of war and an attempt to change the political will of the civilian population through fear and force. This is a perfect example of what terrorism is and the US has now become not only a supporter of terrorism but a state sponsor of terrorism.
The US is upset by developments in the east of Ukraine
For the hypocrites in Washington the neo-nazis killing over 85 police officers in Kiev was normal and did not cause a single statement of concern, yet pro-Russian rallies in eastern Ukraine are a problem for the US planners of the nazi coup in Kiev.
The Independent People's Republic of Donetsk
Donetsk has declared independence from Ukraine and has called for a referendum on joining the Russian Federation.
Deputies of the Donetsk regional council on Monday proclaimed state sovereignty of the People’s Republic of Donetsk.
Donetsk has also requested Russian peacekeepers.
The People's Republic of Harkov
Activists in Harkov have declared the creation of the People's Republic of Harkov and are also calling for a referendum on joining Russia.
Right Sector thugs were beaten in clashes and chased out of Harkov.
Lugansk calling for Federal Republic
Lugansk is calling for a referendum making Russia an official language again, making Ukraine unaligned (again) and citizens are calling for an end to the fascist repression of the junta in Kiev and the banderavites.
Odessa calling for end to repression by junta in Kiev
The US planners, in their irrational anti-Russian campaign are beginning to cross very dangerous lines. They continue to meddle in an area of the world where they are not welcome and are unwanted. They continue to cause a threat to Russian security and threaten the lives and well being of Russian nationals and Ukrainian citizens. The US' continued support of the junta and the armed fascist groups in Ukraine is a direct threat to Russia, Ukrainians and all Slavic people.
The people of Ukraine (not the US puppets and the neo-nazis) do not want the EU or the US. The majority view Russians as brothers and there is no way the US/NATO/EU will ever succeed in dividing the Slavic world and occupying the mother of great Rus that is Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine beat the nazis once and there is no way that in 2014 the US and their nazis will ever win in Ukraine. So far Russia and the Ukrainian people have been patient and tolerating the incursion on their sovereignty by the planners in Washington, this is not a sign a weakness, and when patience runs out the response will be merciless and unstoppable.
Washington has already entered the bear's den and the hibernating bear is beginning to wake up, now by introducing its "secret" army into the East the fool that is Washington has raised its hand to strike the bear in the face. Will they foolishly do so or will the junta puppets now strike out at the Right Sector? Yarosh says he has "work" in the south east of Ukraine and if recent history is any indication the answer is, yes. Would you strike an angry wakening bear in the face deep inside its own den? Of course you wouldn't. Which is why the US geopolitical "chess" players need to be attired in white jackets with long sleeves that tie in the back and placed in nice white little cells with generous padding on the walls.
Every move they make in Ukraine is known, documented, watched and has been exposed. The no covert takeover of Ukraine by the CIA is no longer covert. They have been exposed and the lights are shining in all of their dark corners, yet they continue irrationally on, truly a sign of the lights being on in Washington, but nobody being home.
The following is a list of countries where the US has organized coup d’états, supported revolutions, overthrown governments, invaded, annexed, supported groups or forces who overthrew or attempted to overthrow governments or outright executed the leaders.
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Colorado, Congo, Cuba, Detroit, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Macedonia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Dakota, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Uruguay, USSR, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands, Yemen, Yugoslavia and Zaire (Congo).
What they have done and are doing to Native Americans might also be added to the list and as the genocide of the indigenous peoples is the foundation of endemic “American” racism and “exceptionalism” must also be mentioned.
Time for the world to wake up and sanction the real criminals
The views and opinions expressed here are my own. I can be reached at

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