
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nine Bodies Washed Ashore After Easter Festivities In Tema, Ghana

 One more body has been retrieved at the Sakumono beach on Wednesday, bringing the total number of bodies washed ashore after the Easter Festivities to nine.

Eight bodies were washed ashore in two seperate beaches in Accra in what was suspected to be another holiday disaster.  Reports of revelers drowning in the sea during festive occasions are not new, but the drowning casualties after the Easter festivities appear to be increasing by the day.
Four bodies have been retrieved at the Sakumono beach on Wednesday, with five other bodies reclaimed at the Bortianor beach.

Weija Divisional Police Commander Superintendent Shaibu Osei told Joy News that three bodies were washed ashore on Tuesday at Bortianor, while two others were later found on Wednesday at the same beach.
All the three bodies were identified and later sent to the Korle-Bu Hospital morgue, Superintendent Shaibu told Joy News’ Fred Smith.  The two other bodies that were found on Wednesday, were yet to be identified. The bodies were said to be in a state of decomposition.

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