
Friday, March 14, 2014

This Video Makes me Cry: The Congolese People Deserve a better future.

Everytime I wake up in the morning to watch a video like this, tears drip all over my pillow. This has always been U.S foreign policy over several decades. Making proxy war here and there to support its National interest. Stop killing the people. The Congolese people don't eat natural resources like Tin, diamond and so on.. Talk to the people. They are human beings too. U.S foreign policy of several decades still at large. See the current one of its foreign Policy + Video that makes me cry when you continue after the break.

In the 1930s, Third Reich was all the rage in Europe and overseas in the United States, with Anglo-American elites pinning their hopes on Hitler who they believed could end the Soviet menace. Russia was reviled and the Nazi Germany was not. In fact, US corporations and banks supported and financed the Nazis, while their officials and businesses respected the Nazi regime. Mackenzie King, the union-busting advisor of the Rockefeller family and tenth prime minister of Canada, even admired Hitler openly, as did Edward VIII, who abdicated from the British throne in favor of his brother. 

But the ultimate goal was, of course, to get Berlin and Moscow to mutually destroy one another. This is the same strategy that Washington used against Baghdad and Tehran when it encouraged Saddam Hussein to attack Iran and launch the Iran-Iraq War.
Now the West is comparing President Putin with Adolf Hitler, with Hillary Clinton and Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird drawing parallels between the deployment of Russian troops in the Crimea and the Nazi invasion into Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland. The propaganda war is in full swing as the media are doing their best to demonize Russians and to pave the way for US’s long-term objective of isolating and neutralizing Russia as an international rival and Eurasian actor.
Truths are being turned on their heads. The heirs of the Soviets, which defeated the Nazi and liberated Europe at a great price, are now vilified, while fascist forces and Western militarism are on the march again. But behind the fascists stand the neoliberals and organized capital who really pull the strings, just like it was before WWII.
It should come as no surprise that Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Wall Street-supported coup-imposed prime minister of Ukraine, is collaborating with ultra-nationalist admirers of Nazi collaborators in Ukraine. In a twist of fate, it is Russian again who is standing against the fledgling Nazi state.
And the events in Ukraine are not just being spun: they are heavily tied to the past and the future. George Orwell actually said the following about the discursive process tied to the way that history is framed: “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
Like the Western Ukraine that collaborated with the Nazis of the Second World War, Kiev is again overrun by neo-fascists that hate Russia and in their turn are used by the US and the European Union to bring down Russia.
Who will stand against these forces in Africa ?  A new African Mandela ?  Who or where is he ?
Watch the Video bellow.

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