
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ukraine's president & opposition agree to truce

Opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk stated that the truce has been reached during negotiations between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and the opposition. It was decided to begin negotiations for the stabilization, according to the Batkivshchyna press office.

"There is positive news, the assault and clearance of the Independence Square that was planned before is cancelled. Now the truce and the beginning of the negotiation process in order to stabilize the situation has begun," said Yatsenyuk.
Earlier it was reported that Yanukovych met with Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Vitali Klitschko and Oleg Tyagnibok, the purpose of the meeting was peaceful settlement of the socio-political crisis in Ukraine.
The riots have resumed in Kiev on Tuesday, on the day of the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada, on which the opposition demanded to return the parliamentary-presidential form of government and to restore the constitution of 2004.

Aggressive crowd tried to come to the Parliament of Ukraine, the radicals broke into the building in the center of Kiev, burned tires, threw stones at police officers. According to police, the radicals used firearms for the first time. As a result of the riots 26 people were killed, 10 of them were law enforcement officers. According to the MIA, about 800 people got injured.

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