
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Story: Guy Invites ladies

A guy invited a girl he
liked out and she came
with 2 friends. A few
minutes later she invited
another one making 3
girls with him. As the

drinking went on the guy
excuses himself to
visit the washroom and
when he returned he
over heard his sweet heart
telling her friends in her
local dialect not knowing
the guy
understands it "This fool
thinks he has a lot of
money, lets drink
him dry.
But you girls don't
leave me with him
because that's why i
brought you, in case he
may demands for
some sex. How can I lay
with such a guy".
The guy then composed
himself, rejoined them as
they ordered for more and
more expensive
drinks and bites. Annoyed
by their comments, he
excused himself and he
left them at the table
without clearing
the bill.
Moments later
the waitress brought a bill
of #95,000 which the
girls could not
pay so, their Phones, Hand
bags, and Shoes were
taken by the
Do you think this guy did
the right thing?....

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