
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Soldiers, Police, Hoodlums Clash In Enugu

There was pandemonium in the Coal City, Enugu, weekend, during a bloody clash between soldiers and the police which took place at Ibagwa-Nike area of the town leaving a yet-to-be identified person dead.
The crisis which later involved some hoodlums resulted in the escape of eight suspected murder and robbery kingpins earlier arrested by the Police from the state Special Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS.

Sources said trouble started when police operatives from the Special anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, Enugu stormed Umuanekode Community in Ibagwa-Nike, Enugu-East Local Government Area of the state on official duty to effect the arrest of some people suspected to be deeply involved in a recent murder and robbery case in the area.

It was gathered that the police operatives had earlier met a detachment of soldiers believed to have come from 82 division of the Nigerian Army stationed at the market square whom they also intimated about their presence in the area.

Reports said operatives of the Special Anti -Robbery Squad later arrested about eight suspects and consequently kept them in their official Hilux vehicle and were heading to Abakpa police station when the army personnel at the market square whom the operatives had earlier met with, allegedly prevented the suspects from following the operatives. They reportedly shot at the tyes of the police patrol vehicle thereby demobilizing their movement.

It was learnt that the situation degenerated into a heavy clash between the Special Anti Robbery Squad operatives and the soldiers and in the ensuing misunderstanding, the soldiers allegedly embarked on sporadic firing thereby freeing and releasing the eight suspects already arrested by the operatives.
Hoodlums from the area, in their numbers, were said to have joined the attack on the police operatives and later burnt their Hilux vehicle. It was gathered that thereafter, a dead body was seen lying at the back of the Army patrol vehicle which has been recovered and taken to the mortuary for autopsy.

As at the time of going to press, it was not possible to ascertain whether the casualty was a member of the police force, the military or one of the eyewitnesses that was escaping from the heavy shooting that ensued.
The Police Public Relations Officer in Enugu, Ebere Amarizu who confirmed the incident said the case is being investigated by police operatives attached to the State Criminal Investigations Department in Enugu and assured that the area is being monitored while manhunt for the fleeing suspects has been declared.
Police sources said military authorities have also been communicated on the alleged role of soldiers just as calm has returned to the area.

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