
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"I have no plans to re-marry' Ex Most beautiful Woman in Nigeria Omasan Buwa says in new interview.

 I987 Most beautiful Lady in Nigeria and Current Executive Associate to Delta State Governor on issues with impaired people claimed in a recent meeting with City People that she does not have any plans to re-marry as the union isn't for everyone. The single mother of three, 18 year old twins children and a 16 year old girl, was after married to Mr Odumosu, but their union ended some years back.

When asked about plans to re-marry, the 48 year old ex-queen replied;

"No No plans for that for now. You know marriage is not for everyone. I have been there, I have been independent of a man for so long so its not something I miss. It's not something I long for. To be honest with you I see no reason for that at this stage. Having said that, I do have somebody I am seeing and I quite happy to live like that"

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