
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

PLAN B: Boko Haram Keeps Releasing Fake Shekau Videos – U.S. Think-Tank (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

The United States Council on Foreign relations, a top US security think-tank and government advisory, apparently has recognized as fake the video released by AFP on November 4th.
 Continue after the break.

"Lets think and reason it ourselves even without think and thank's help. Non of them and their ideas can be trusted."
"I have a strong feeling U.S want Africans and Nigerians to Believe Boko Haram is Terrorizing Nigeria( Though they're really terrorizing and other opportunists have taken advantage of it to loot and run the economy dry). Without saying much story, this is beginning to look and sound like 'ex-bin laden. We are not stupid in Africa. May be some are daft and may easily fall for their Propaganda but not all. U.S should leave Africans and Nigerians to their Problems. We do not need their help in solving our problems. I understand their National Interest comes first and they are doing anything to protect it. They should not turn Africa and Africans to what they did to Middle east."

"We are not in support of double standard. Yes our leaders are corrupt but not as corrupt as the father of corruption(U.S foreign policy) itself."

"Placing a bounty on someone that may not even exist is senseless and backward. War Games that can only work in the middle east not in Africa."

Think-Tank Continues....
In this latest 33 second video, the “Shekau” was even further from the camera and only appeared to speak for just 10 seconds. The latest video, released on Youtube, is perhaps the biggest sham in the history of terrorism media:

Latest 10 Second Sham Video of Blurry Ghost of Late Shekau

This latest sham video clip is very identical to the August video below, also circulated by AFP, which US Council on Foreign relations discredited as that of an imposter, except it has a black drape over the old background and Shekau’s image appears to have green-light peripheral shine around it indicating super-imposition.

The Older Video also of highly questionable authenticity:

It appears “Shekau” did not wish to risk thorough investigation of “his” video clips and hence, he made it as blurry, as distant from the camera and as short as possible. 10 seconds only, enough time to say 5 words and quickly brush his ghost teeth!

May 2013 picture is given below. No video ever shown to public: Green Screen Floating Head Ghost

Snapshot from September video is given below, also identified as fake by the U.S.:

Please note that the bulky green carpet is the same as in May video.

The question the world asks is why? Why are the global media struggling so hard, more desperately each time to show dead Shekau as alive? Why are they promoting all sorts of glaringly fake video’s of the man? What is their gain? Who is struggling so hard to terrorize Nigeria with media propaganda of the bogey-monster?

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