
Saturday, November 2, 2013

"I Regrets Sending Nu*de Images To Ex-lover", Says Bimbo Thomas

Actress Bimbo Thomas granted an interview recently to The Nollywood Reporter, where she admitted sending nude photos to a married ex-lover. Bimbo says it's one the big mistakes of her life

“Yes, I have been in love before and I have now been associated with relationships I believed was love but wasn't.. There is this relationship I believed would lead to the altar.

 I was committed to it and the guy was committed too however it still didn't work out. We're still friends though. When I came out of the previous  relationship, I didn't want to date anymore.
I recently desired to be left alone but you realize women and love; I came across another guy, he was the type of guy one will call a gentleman. I fell deeply in love with him; I really could do anything for him. I even made a mistake that also tugs at my conscience till date; I sent him my nu*de photos.

Looking back now, it was one mistake way too many particularly when I realized the guy was deceiving me as he was married with children. I cried and cried! I almost gave up on everything thing but God kept me.”

On asking why she made such a stupid mistake, she replied,
“Yes, it is really a stupid mistake but you realize celebrities are humans too. We hurt, we laugh, we cry, we love, we grief and do everything every other human being does. We fall in love and make mistakes. Though we collapse such as the Bible would say, but we can't stay down, we get up and keep forging ahead. Many guys that approach female celebrities have evil intentions.”
Answering questions on if she will gladly date again, the Omo Ghetto star said she will but will approach the topic cautiously.
 “Dating is now something I dread. I don't think I can give up on love but another guy might purchase the sins of others.” She said amidst laughter laced with vengeance. We can't help but pray God helps another guy.
Bimbo Thomas, a graduate of creative art from the University of Lagos, joined the industry a couple of years ago and after a series of small roles, became a household name, as a result of “Omo Ghetto”, a Yoruba movie produced by popular Actress cum Producer, Funke Akindele.

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