
Monday, October 14, 2013

Somalian Notorious Pirate Leader ‘Big Mouth’ nabbed in Belgium

BRUSSELS  (AFP) – Among Somalia's most notorious pirate leaders, known as “Big Mouth”, has been arrested in Brussels and put in custody pending charges, judicial sources said Monday.

Mohamed Abdi Hassan, known as “Afweyne” or “Big Mouth”, was being held in Bruges after being detained at Brussels airport on Saturday on disembarking from a journey from Nairobi, Belga news agency said.

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Judicial sources told AFP that the federal prosecutor would hold a news conference later Monday.

Afweyne announced in Mogadishu in January that he was quitting piracy after a highly profitable eight-year career. He said he was trying to persuade other pirates to complete the same.

Described a year ago by the UN as “one of the very most notorious and influential leaders” in Somalia's pirate hub, he notably was mixed up in 2008 capture of the Saudi-owned Sirius Star oil supertanker, released for a ransom of several million dollars.

He also reportedly took part in the 2008 capture of the MV Faina, a Ukrainian transport ship carrying 33 refurbished Soviet-era battle tanks, that was released after having a 134-day hijack for a reported three million dollars.

Belgian media said he was suspected also of the 2009 capture of a Belgian ship, the Pompei, held for over 70 days.

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