
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Man Faces Trial For Using The President's Poster As Toilet Paper

A Zimbabwean man recently landed himself in trouble after he allegedly used President Robert Mugabe's campaign material as toilet paper, a report said on Wednesday.
According to the report, the man appeared in court last week charged with violating the electoral act or, alternatively, destruction of political material.  A public prosecutor told the court that on 24 July this year, Takura Mufumusi entered a bar toilet in Masvingo with the intention to relieve himself. While inside, he was spotted by the informant, tearing up Mugabe's poster which he found inside and allegedly using it as toilet paper. The informant immediately effected a citizen's arrest on Mufumusi and took him to a police station. Court papers, however, did not state if Mufumusi was arrested after he had already relieved himself. Magistrate Tinashe Ndokera adjourned the matter indefinitely as the State could not identify the witness. - 

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