
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stop Witch-hunting Fashola - Lagos Assembly

The Lagos State House of Assembly has warned the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) against making inciting statements that could best be described as an attempt to witch-hunt the administration of Governor Babatunde Fashola.

The House made this point while condemning the call by the Lagos State Chairman of the PDP, Chief Tunji Shelle, on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to probe Governor Fashola.

Chief Shelle was reported to have called on the anti-graft agency to probe the governor over some of his activities in office. He made the call recently after a church service to mark his birthday.

Speaking on behalf of the members of the House the Chairman, House Committee on Information, Strategy, Security and Publicity, Lagos State House of Assembly, Segun Olulade, called on residents of the state to condemn Chief Shelle for making such an allegation against a working governor.

He also urged Lagosians to shun the PDP, saying that the allegation of massive corruption alleged by the PDP against Fashola is the only way the later could express its frustration and desperation to rule the state, having failed to win the hearts of the people of the state against the “highly performing governor and his party, the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN).”

Olulade maintained that there was no occasion where the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Adeyemi Ikuforiji, addressed the media or instructed standing committees of the House to begin the probe of ministries in the State.

According to him, “the Lagos PDP knows too well that the rat race to capture Lagos by the PDP is a lost battle from inception.

“This is the more reason Lagos PDP is trying to fabricate lies to create disaffection between Governor Fashola, the Lagos State House of Assembly and ACN leaders.

“It is part of the constitutional responsibilities of the House to perform oversight functions on government ministries, departments and agencies and we have been carrying out this function on a regular basis since our assumption of office in June 2011, but we take exception to an unfounded, baseless, vindictive and malicious call for probe against Governor Fashola who has been widely acknowledged as a model of good governance in Nigeria given his transparent honesty and brilliant performance in transforming Lagos state to its present megacity status.”

Olulade said the ‘massive corruption’ theory against Fashola by the Shelle-led Lagos PDP is a figment of the imagination of failed politicians and enemies of Lagos state who are bent on destabilising the state and distracting the government from carrying out its primary responsibility of raising the living standards of the people.

He challenged the PDP not to hesitate to come out with proven evidence against the governor if there is any reminding him that Lagosians are a very sophisticated, highly enlightened and vibrant people who cannot be cajoled by anyone or any party willing to score cheap political points.


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