
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WARNING: Sachet ‘Pure’ Water Exposed To Heat Can Be Cancerous – Expert

Prof. Amobi Ilika has advised those who consume sachet water (popularly called pure water) exposed to heat to be wary in order to avoid drinking cancerous substances.
Ilika, who is the Director of Community and Public Medicine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, said sachet water exposed to heat beyond room temperature could be cancerous.
He said the heat could melt some of the substances used in making the polythene bags.

According to him, the polythene bags contain cancerous materials that are harmful to the body.
“The most important is the deterioration of the water while in polythene bags made of synthetic petroleum; since the polythene bags are weather-sensitive. Some of the properties of the polythene bags made of synthetic petroleum product materials melt into the water after sun-ray or heat exposure. Thus, carcinogenic materials will drop into the water. The polythene bags also develop germs and micro organisms which enter the water through the deterioration of the polythene bag,’’ he said. (NAN)

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