
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Parents arrested for growing Weed after their son calls police.. Read Full Story

Sometimes parents end up in jail because of their own son.  A husband and wife were arrested for growing marijuana at home when their teen son decided to call the police on them, authorities said. The Pennsylvania couple were taken away in handcuffs after a raid on their home turned up 18 pot plants along with growing equipment, such as lights, fans and timers, the news media reported.

The couple Caren Shanfield, 45, and Francis Joseph Medvedik, 49 they face charges of manufacturing a controlled substance, criminal conspiracy, possession of a controlled substance and endangering the welfare of a child.

They have five children, all between the ages of 10 and 17. It was their 15-year-old son, who phoned to alert authorities to the drugs, according to court documents. When police arrived at the house, the teen led them to the basement where the marijuana was growing, authorities said.

The couple's lawyers insist the two were using the pot for personal use only.

"I do not think there is any evidence of any kind anywhere on any business or selling or sharing with others," said attorney Louis Busico Shanfield.

Shanfield and Medvedik, were working as a chiropractor and a software engineer, respectively, have no criminal record.
Medvedik was sentenced to four to 23 months in prison. While Shanfeld was sentenced to two years of probation, with 40 hours of community service.

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