
Monday, December 24, 2012

Decomposing Body Of Unidentified Man Found Hanging After Days Of Suspected Suicide

The body of a young man, who hung in an uncompleted building at Ibafo, was found dangling on Friday evening, apparently days after hanging himself. Eyewitness accounts disclosed that the dangling body was already reeking of stench in one of the bathrooms in the said building. According to a neighbour sharing fence with the said building, the disturbing odour coming from the area became noticeable about three days ago, but it was taken for granted that possibly an animal died somewhere around the neighbourhood.

However, kids playing around the building reportedly discovered someone standing inside the building and thinking that he was peering at them, they were said to have called on a few elderly persons around to report a stranger looking at them without moving eyes. It was at this point that his body was found and was eventually moved away by the local government environmental officials after police had visited the place and taken inventory of things found on him. No one could recognise him around the neighbourhood.
Dressed in blue jeans and long-sleeve shirt, rolled to his arm, showing his biceps, he used a vehicle safety belt to hang himself, by tying it to the woods used for the logging of the building. It was suspected that he possibly climbed the building to reach the logging area, tied the belt to the woods and wound same around his neck, before jumping down and dangling to his death, since there was nothing under his feet. Found in his pocket were toothbrush, a novel, handset, electrical wire and screw driver.
The Divisional Police Officer, Ibafo police station, Abayomi Oladipo, who confirmed the knowledge of the incident said the local government environmental officers would move the body and fumigate the neighbourhood to prevent possible epidemic. Investigations were also said to be on to unravel his identity.
Source: Tribune

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