
Thursday, November 1, 2012


DISTURBED by the high level of immorality it has caused among Imo people, the State Governor, Chief Rochas Okorocha, has ordered the immediate closure of all clubs where women dance in the nude.

Imo state governor, Chief Rochas Okorocha,

Briefing journalists on Tuesday in Owerri, the state capital, Okorocha regretted that the state had been turned into  ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ of the Bible where young girls dance completely naked in the clubs at night, threatening to deal with any such club operator who fails to carry the order.
He said: “This administration will not tolerate any lawlessness any more. We notice some lawlessness in the
state and this government will deal ruthlessly with anybody found to be exposing our young girls. Enough of this nonsense.”
It was discovered by The Guardian that several nude clubs operate in many parts of Owerri with certain days designated for particular activities, such as dancing with their pants on, or completely naked.
The governor, who noted that such clubs were havens for criminals, directed immediate enforcement of the law on demolition of any house found to be a hideout for kidnappers.

A stripper strutting her stuff
While commending  security operatives in the state for rescuing a five- year- old baby from kidnappers,who stormed a village in Isiala Mbano, he urged the  State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Adisa Bolanta, to direct his men to work harder to secure the state during the festive period.
Also speaking,  Bolanta said the command  has successfully apprehended three suspects who allegedly masterminded the murder of the ruler of Umueze Abazu Ogwa, Mbaitoli Local Council, Eze Stanley Akuneto, last May, adding that they had been arraigned in court.
Bolanta also assured the family of the abducted Permanent Secretary in the office of the Deputy Governor of the state, Emenike Ihekwuaba , of the preparedness to track down his kidnappers and that from all indications, he was still alive in their den.

Strippers in a club in Nigera
“We were able to trace them. Victims are highly-placed citizens of this state,” he said.
The commissioner also said about two kidnap victims were rescued in Otulu, Oru East Council while five suspected kidnappers were arrested.
He regretted that those who abducted the five-year- old child were taking her to Zamfara for ritual purposes.
He promised Imo people of continued efforts to rid the state of criminals,  criminals, especially during this festive season.

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