
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Yobe Desert Rollers ready for Africa Hockey Championship

Damaturu – Alhaji Sani Fema, Chairman, Yobe Sports Commission, has assured Nigerians that the Yobe Desert Rollers hockey team was prepared to win the forthcoming African Men Hockey Club Championship in Zimbabwe.

Fema gave the assurance on Saturday in Damaturu in an interview on the team’s readiness for the championship which will hold in December in Harare, Zimbabwe.

“The team has trained vigorously and acquired more technical knowledge to improve on its third-place position of last year and go on to win the main trophy this year.

“The coaches have evolved new skills and the players have worked hard at the training camp to ensure a successful outing in Harare,’’ he said. Fema commended the state government for providing the team with the required training facilities and logistics which had kept the team in good shape and high spirits for the competition.

“The team is fully prepared to do Nigeria proud at the championship which commences on Dec. 1.(NAN)
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