
Monday, October 15, 2012

NLC, TUC back Mimiko’s re-election bid

Chairman of the Ondo State chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress, Mrs. Bosede Daramola, said in Akure on Monday that workers and artisans across the state would lead the rally for the second term bid of Governor Olusegun Mimiko.Daramola told journalists in Akure that on Tuesday, October 16, 2012, both NLC and TUC would “celebrate Mimiko for flying the Labour Party flag higher and for making the workers proud in terms of workers’ welfare which is unprecedented in the history of Nigeria.”

She said the NLC would lead over 120 leaders of all industrial unions under its congress while the TUC would lead over 38 leaders to the rally which would hold simultaneously with the LP mega rally in Akure at the same venue.

She enjoined all workers’ unions in the state, artisans and lovers of democracy and good governance to come out and join the rally for Governor Mimiko’s re-election.

The rally will be the third to be held in support of Mimiko by workers in the last three months.

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Source : punchng[dot]com

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