
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Man pleads guilty to stealing battery

An Apapa Chief Magistrates’ Court in Lagos will on November 1 sentence one Izuchukwu Nwachukwu, who on Wednesday pleaded guilty to stealing iron rods  and a car battery.

Chief Magistrate Amos Adeyemi fixed the date after 26-year-old Izuchukwu pleaded guilty to a two-count charge of conspiracy and stealing.

Adeyemi remanded the defendant at the Kirikiri Prisons until the adjourned date for facts and sentencing.

Izuchukwu had admitted conspiring with another person still at large to steal the rods and the battery worth N130,000.

The prosecutor, Cpl. Friday Inedu, had submitted that Izuchukwu, who had no fixed address, stole the items belonging to one Mr. Chidi Okafor, on October 14 at 11.45p.m.

He said that the crimes occurred at No. 15, Cardoso St., Awodi-Ora in Ajegunle, Apapa, and that they contravened Sections 285 and 409 of the Criminal Code, Laws of Lagos State, 2011.

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IG, Abubakar

Source : punchng[dot]com

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