
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Towards a Third Intifada: Why Israel has no Future in the Middle East

By Salah Lamrani (Sayed Hasan)
On September 9, 2015, Sayed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, repeated the Islamic Republic’s commitment, in word and deed, to liberate Palestine and put an end to the so-called State of Israel, the last colony on Earth, just as vicious as it is anachronical. He stated that in spite of the nuclear deal, the USA or “Great Satan and enemy of the peoples”, worse than the Devil himself, are never to be trusted, as they cannot possibly depart from their imperialist policies, and should therefore always be considered as enemies with whom any negotiation or contact is forbidden. Iran can and should only rely on its own people and development to preserve itself from external threats and aggressions, he said.